
NtMirror is a tool for creating and keeping up-to-date a local mirror of the NCBI Taxonomy database.


The software is distributed as a Python 3 package.

An installation by pip is only possible, if the mariadb module is installed (which requires installation of MariaDB and its C and Python connectors).


The CLI has been developed and tested exclusively using MariaDB as a RDBMS.

Loading into the database

The script ntmirror-dbload is used to load the dump files into the database. It takes as arguments the database username, its password, the database name and the path to the connection socket, followed by the directory where the dump files are located.

If the database tables do not exist, they are created. If dump files are found, they are loaded into the database and deleted. If no dump file is found, then nothing is done.

The exit code of the script is 0 on success and 1 if an error occurs. If the option --exitcode is used, and no dump file is found, the exit code of the script is 100 (instead of 0).

Subtree search using hierarchical SQL

To list the IDs of a subtree of the NCBI taxonomy tree, the ntmirror-extract-subtree script can be used. It takes as arguments the database username, its password, the database name and the path to the connection socket, followed by the subtree root ID.

Example usage

The following example uses the ntdownload package to download the dumps and loads them into the database and extracts a subtree using ntmirror.

ntdownload ntdumpsdir
ntmirror-dbload myuser mypass mydb /path/to/db.socket ntdumpsdir
ntmirror-extract-subtree myser mypass mydb /path/to/db.socket 562


Database setup

To create the database tables, a SqlAlchemy connection object is necessary. This is passed to the dbschema.create(connection) method, which creates the tables, if they do not exist yet.

Loading the data using MariaDB

In MariaDB, the database data loading is performed using the mysql library and not using SqlAlchemy, since the loading is faster.

The dbloader_mysql.load_all(ntdumpsdir) function is used, to which the path of the directory containing the dump files is passed, followed by the database hostname, database username, its password, the database name and the path to the connection socket.

If no dump files are found, nothing happens. Otherwise, the dump files are loaded into the database. The function returns an array of tuples (filepfx, filepath) for each dump file which was loaded into the database.

Example usage

The following example uses the ntdownload package to download the dumps and loads them into the database and extracts a subtree using ntmirror.

from ntdownload import Downloader
from ntmirror import dbschema, dbloader_mysql

# this assumes that the SqlAchemy connection is available

d = Downloader("ntdumpsdir")
dbloader_mysql.load_all("ntdumpsdir", dbhostname, dbusername, dbpassword,

Loading the data using another RDBMS

Database data loading using SqlAlchemy was also implemented, so that the package can be used with other RDBMS, although it is slower than using the dbloader_mysql module.

To upload the dump files into the database the dbloader_sqlalchemy module can be used. The database must implement a LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE SQL command. The dbloader_sqlalchemy version of load_all() takes two arguments: the dump file directory and a SqlAlchemy connection object.


To run the test suite, a YAML configuration file for the database connection must be provided. The database name, database username and password, hostname and port, drivername and path to the connection socket file must be provided.

For example:

database: ntmirror_test
username: ntmirror_user
password: ntmirror_pass
host: localhost
port: 3306
socket: ntmirror.sock
drivername: "mysql+mysqldb"

Then the test suite is run using pytest (or make tests)